
Getting Started with Coagmento

  1. Sign up for a free account.
  2. Download the latest version of Coagmento plug-in for Firefox or Chrome.
  3. Once installed, you will be able to use Coagmento toolbar and sidebar in your browser. Using them, you can do a number of online activities, including saving relevant information, making annotations, keeping track of your (and your collaborators') browsing history, and communicating with your teammates.
  4. You will also have access to CSpace - an collaborative space, where you can create and join projects, invite someone to collaborate with you, manage the information collected using Coagmento, and synthesize that information as a product or further usage.


  • Firefox 2.0 or higher (any platform), Chrome 20.0 or higher (any platform)
  • Internet connection (broadband recommended)
  • A sense of adventure!